2022 Central Credit Register Report


As at December 2022, the CCR had information on more than 50 million transactions involving nearly 22 million individuals and legal persons submitted by 344 reporting entities. The balance of loans and other declared risks was 3.3 billion euros, 2.8% more than in 2021.

These are some of the data available in the Central Credit Register (CCR) Report, which was published on 27 June and which presents the highlights of the CCR's activity in 2022. The CCRAbre en ventana nueva is a public service, managed by the Banco de España, that contains individualised information on credit transactions granted by financial institutions to their customers, whether individuals or legal persons. It has two fundamental objectives:

  1. To provide reporting banks with information on the credit risks of their customers and potential new borrowers so that they can analyse the risk of their transactions. Thus, in 2022, banks received 370 million risk reports about their customers and requested almost 6 million about potential new customers.
  2. To facilitate the exercise of supervision and inspection by the Banco de España and to carry out the other functions entrusted to it by law.

In addition, any natural or legal person can ask the CCR Abre en ventana nuevafor their risk report to learn about any indebtedness of which the reporting entities have informed the Banco de España. In 2022, more than 600,000 requests for reports were received by the CCR, making it one of the Banco de España services most in demand by the public.

Citizens also have the right to access, rectify and cancel their data before the CCR by filing a complaint about the information reported by the entities. In chapter 3, the Report details the procedures for exercising these rights and includes statistical information on requests for rectification or deletion of data by data subjects that amounted to 11,363 in 2022. 

Moreover, the Report describes the characteristics of the transactions reported, of the holders and of the entities that have granted the financing and presents statistical information on all aspects of the CCR's activity. This year, in order to provide interested parties with access to the exhaustive information contained in the CCR, for the first time the Report presents a statistical annex with the available historical series, which go back to 2017 to ensure consistency and quality. This information is also presented in downloadable format to simplify its use. Along the same lines, an interactive visualisation tool has been developed that allows users to access statistical data through dashboards, graphs or maps. This tool is available on the Banco de España website together with the Report:

Browse the ReportAbre en ventana nueva for information on the topics of interest to you. You can start with this summary of the contents of the Report or watch this explanatory video.

To learn more about the CCR and risk reports, have a look at this presentation.Abre en ventana nueva

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