COVID-19: Moratorium for the transport sector
A moratorium for the public transport of goods and the charter bus sector was recently approved, together with the measures to address the impact of COVID-19.
Under the moratorium, payments of the principal of instalments under agreements to lend, lease or rent vehicles used in the aforementioned public transport sectors may be suspended for up to six months.
This aid may be requested by those companies and self-employed persons operating in the sector that are in financial difficulties owing to the COVID-19 crisis.
The application must be submitted to the lending institution before 30 September, together with supporting documents providing evidence of the loss of revenue or turnover between March and May 2020. This loss must be of at least 40% compared with the monthly average for the same months in 2019.
The moratorium for the transport sector is regulated by Royal Decree-Law 26/2020 of 7 July 2020 on economic recovery measures to address the impact of COVID-19. Click the following linkAbre en ventana nueva for further details.