Remember: signing a document on a tablet still counts as signing.


We have highlighted many times here on the Bank Customer Portal how important it is for you to closely read what you are signing so as to avoid unpleasant surprises down the road, whether you’re opening an account, taking out a loan or acquiring any other banking product.

Signature systems have evolved and nowadays digital devices are frequently used. These devices are convenient, they don’t waste paper, and they allow banks to store your signature efficiently. But besides these clear advantages, it is important for us, as consumers, to be aware that signing a document using a tablet (or any other device) means assuming the same responsibilities as signing it on paper.

At one time or another, your bank may have asked you to sign something using a digital device where you can only see some of the information and a small box for you to sign, but not all of the actual document.

Banks usually (and, indeed, should) show you the contract beforehand and go over its key points. But occasionally this doesn't happen, perhaps because you’re in a hurry or because less time is now spent on customer service.

Sometimes, you sign the document on the tablet and the member of staff brings you a printed copy which already has your signature.

This could be pre-contractual information (which you have not yet received) or a binding contract, and you may on occasion come to regret signing something you haven’t read and fully understood.

Remember that whenever you sign a document using one of these devices, you are assuming the same responsibilities as if you were signing it on paper. As always, request the complete document and ask for any clarification you need in order to understand what you are signing.


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