How to interact online with the Banco de España
The Banco de España has a virtual officeAbre en ventana nueva for the online management of citizen-oriented processes and services. Through this safe environment you can conduct procedures immediately, swiftly and straightforwardly, 365 days a year. All you need is a browser and an internet connection to avail yourself of the advantageous services offered:
Availability: allows interaction and processing of official formalities 24 hours a day. There’s no need to keep to standard business hours.
Ease of access: it’s no longer necessary to physically turn up at the office for specific procedures as you can resolve them from anywhere in the world by phone or on the Internet.
Time-saving: since you no longer have to go to the office in person.
Increased security for sensitive data: as they are kept at suitably protected data centres.
Eco-responsibility. The use of Information and Communication Technologies economises on energy resources and paper consumption.
Also, the virtual office has been conceived to cater for universal accessibility and usability, so that all citizens, including those with a disability, may have access on equal terms.
The procedures available are ordered by target public (citizens, companies, financial institutions and public authorities) and subject-based (banknotes and coins, jobs and scholarships, claims and bank customer safeguards, etc.). For each procedure there is an information sheet which straightforwardly lists the steps to follow and the documents to be submitted. The connections are totally secure: identification and verification systems ensuring the full confidentiality of communications are used.
Further, for each procedure there is a contact person offering specific support who may be consulted in connection with any procedural doubts that emerge.
With this website the Banco de España builds on its moves to be closer to citizens and to enhance the provision of the services entrusted to it, thereby contributing to the more effective performance of its functions.