Collaboration in the classroom continues


The Banco de España and the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) have been promoting the Financial Education Plan since 2008 with the collaboration of various public bodies and private institutions.

Last Monday, 7 September, the collaboration agreementAbre en ventana nueva was renewed with the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training to promote financial education in the education system, one of the main projects of the Financial Education Plan. The Minister, Isabel Celaá, the Governor of the Banco de España, Pablo Hernández de Cos, and the Chairperson of the CNMV, Sebastián Albella, signed the agreement.


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, which schools throughout Spain can sign up to every academic year, is one of the Plan's main initiatives.

We explain much more in the Financial Education section of our Bank Customer Portal and on the website Finanzasparatodos.esAbre en ventana nueva.

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