Young people in Spain understand the risks of online fraud
You can see for yourself in these videos made by students. The Spanish General Council of Economists, together with associations of economists across Spain, organised the third edition of the Audiovisual Communication Competition on Financial Education, in line with its commitment to supporting financial education.
The competition is part of the Financial Education Plan, a joint initiative of the Banco de España, the Spanish National Securities Market Commission and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, in partnership with the Spanish General Council of Economists. In 2022 it was organised under the slogan “Education for safer finances”.
The aim of the initiative is to provide students in upper secondary education and intermediate vocational training with insights into the world of business and economics. Students are given the opportunity to demonstrate their reasoning skills and their ability to communicate clearly and concisely, while also developing their creative thinking skills and their interest in studying the aspects of economics that affect our daily lives.
The slogan for this year’s competition was “Between the mattress and the cloud. How to keep your finances safe”. You can see the two videos that reached the final below.
Novaschool Añoreta, Rincón de la VictoriaAbre en ventana nueva, representing the Association of Economists of Málaga (winning video)
Colegio San Juan Bautista de la Salle,Abre en ventana nueva representing the Association of Economists of Valladolid, Palencia and Zamora (runner-up)