Fancy using the Virtual Office?


This portal aims to provide all the information possible to resolve doubts and make sure that banks and their customers are on the friendliest of terms. But we don’t always manage it.

If you’ve got or have had an issue with your bank, have tried to sort it at your branch or via the customer service department, but aren’t satisfied with your bank’s response, don’t fret. You can always file a complaint through one of the Banco de España’s different channels.

Here’s an old blogpost with all the details about how to submit a complaint. This blogpost aims to draw your attention to the online channel, where you can also check the status of your complaint or enquiry.

All the information on this channel is available via the Banco de España’s Virtual Office. Just head to www.bde.esAbre en ventana nueva, Virtual Office, Citizens, Complaints and defence of bank customers and Complaints and enquiries about transparency legislation and good banking practices. Or easier still, click hereAbre en ventana nueva.

In the Procedures section in the right-hand column you have the option of submitting a complaint or an enquiry and checking its status.


Please read the FAQsAbre en ventana nueva for answers to the most common doubts.

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