The monthly payments or instalments you pay the bank usually comprise both principal or capital and interest.
The size of your payments depends on:
- The amount you borrowed (the principal)
- The interest rate
- The term of the loan
- The calculation method
Loans are usually repaid in fixed monthly instalments (the “constant payment method”).
Various payment alternatives exist for a line of credit, including:
- Payment of periodic instalments comprising interest calculated only on the capital advanced or drawn down at the time, with repayment of the borrowed amount at the end of the period
- Payment of periodic instalments comprising interest at agreed intervals (on a quarterly, six-monthly or annual basis), repayment of any capital in excess of the credit limit, and repayment of the remainder at the end of the period.
- Payment of a fixed minimum instalment, usually each calendar month. The available capital is often increased by the repaid amount. This is known as a “revolving credit”, and is a common form of consumer credit.
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